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School Winter Ecology Program
Date: Feb. 26, 2024

There is a 12 person minimum for all group bookings. Pre-registration is required. Please call the nature center at 920-849-1471 to register for your school or group. 

Spend the day outside (mostly) learning about the winter adaptations of plants and animals through three different activities; Students will go on a guided snowshoe hike through different habitats with a few stops along the way (6 or more inches of snow required otherwise it will be a boot hike).The other 2 activities are group games on insulation and scent tracking.

This program takes approximately 4-4.5 hours. 

Location: Ledge View Nature Center
Address:  W2348 Short RD
Chilton, WI, 53014

Contact Name: Ledge View Nature Center
Contact Phone Number: 920-849-1471