Programs & Activities » Winter Homeschool Program 2023-2024   « Back

Winter Homeschool Program 2023-2024
Date: Feb. 22, 2024
Time: 10:00 am - 11:30 am

Join our bi-weekly class for homeschoolers and learn all about how our Wisconsin plants and animals are surviving the winter. This 9-week homeschool environmental education course will cover a different topic each class. Each class will be 1.5 hours and will have hands on activities and exploration, both indoors and out.  Dress to be outside! Bring a paper bag lunch to eat together after if you want.
Pre-register for this 9-week course online. Program designed for 5 years and up.
Maximum of 30 students, a parent is welcome to stay for the class also.
$45 for 9 classes.
November 16th Winter Foraging
November 30th Fire Building
December 14th Deer Survival
December 28th Winter Birds
January 11th Evergreen Trees
January 25th Subnivian Zone Science
February 8th Shelter Building
February 22nd Winter Relationships for Survival
March 7th The Sweet Sugarbush
Schedule may be subject to change due to weather conditions.

Location: Ledge View Nature Center
Address:  W2348 Short RD
Chilton, WI, 53014

Admission Fee: $45.00

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